Zenko is a tongue drum (also called tank drum or hank drum) designed and created by Metal Sounds. This metal-made melodic percussion is the result of a long research & development program leaded by the Metal Sounds' team, in collaboration with scientists and experts of the metal industry. All has been studied: the raw-material (stainless steel), the blades cutting, the assembling, the finish... And the result is up to it!
The Zenko spreads its sounds like smooth and soft waves. Its high harmonics content comes from a perfect tuning that is also reliable along the years. It will produce some differents sounds depending on the kind of play: by hands or with the sticks (included).
The Akebono scale is a C minor pentatonic scale. A G3 in the center will give a deep bass that will be used as a pivot. This scale is a pentatonic mode (5 notes that are repeted) that comes from Japan. This is one of the best scale for relaxation and music-therapy, a unique mood!
The Zenko can also be played in a standing position, on a collapsible and adjustable stand specifically designed for it. An essential accessory to increase your mobility with your Zenko.
Scale: G3 C4 D4 Eb4 F4 G4 C5 D5 Eb5 (available in 440Hz or 432 Hz)