Customization of handpans & steel tongue drums

Customized Scales & Instruments
Often we receive orders for customized instruments with particular scales, notes or engravings. We first study indeptly the request in order to evaluate (or not) its feasibility.
For a special scale on a handpan, you must first clarifiy which model you wish customized. (Evolution or Nitro). We then consider the most appropriate options for your instrument, depending on the number of notes and layout possibilities. Reflect hard about your custom scale wishes before asking for an evaluation, this will avoid a waste of our time and resources.
Concerning spacedrums, the lowest note on a custom scale is B2 and the highest is D5. If we tune bass notes (F4 and lower), the Spacedrum’s diameter will have to be 23.9 in (our largest size) for the 8 note scale.
The fabrication of custom Spacedrums is different from our usual production process, that’s why these instruments are more expensive than our standard models.
For laser engraving on Handpan or Steel tongue drums, some constraints limit the range of possibilities available. The type of material, size of area to be engraved, compexity of the engraving, etc.. Each must be considered in order to produce the highest quality result.
Contact us for any question, request or a quote.