The chromatic Spacedrum is, until now, the only instrument from the Handpan family recently created to propose a complete chromatic scale!
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Handpan method with 8 notebooks in English. Ravid Goldschmidt has written a method suitable for beginners and also handpan players. Discover many illustrated exercises of different levels to learn the handpan in a very friendly way.
Ravid Goldschmidt is one of the first musicians to play handpan. He moved to Switzerland to stay with the Hang creators and he could then learn about the way to build a hang andthe tuning technics.
Since then, Ravid devotes himself to performing in concerts, writing music for films, soundtracks and organizing workshops around the world. He has created a simple and user-friendly method that comes in eight booklets.
With this method there is no need of musical background !
The notebooks are related to the number of beats (or measures).
So all the exercises of the notebook number 2 will be with 2 beats
those of notebook number 3 will be with 3 beats,
those of notebook number 4 will be with 4 beats etc . . .
The idea of these 8 notebooks is to help you understand better the Handpan and to improve your skills so you could master the instrument. It is recommended to study it bit by bit and take the time. Some exercise are very easy and fun and others could be very difficult.
It is about understanding the essence of the HandPan which makes it so special and different than other musical instrument!
Pas terrible : certaines pages se répètent à l'identique d'un livret à l'autre. Certaines explications sont confuses. Je vais interroger l'auteur, mais je ne trouve pas la méthode auto-portante.
Bonjour Anne et merci pour votre retour. Cette méthode de Ravid Goldschmidt privilégie une approche pédagogique basée sur le visuel et la gestuelle. Une version française est en cours de finalisation. Je ne manquerai pas de transmettre votre commentaire à l'auteur. Musicalement, Marc - Metal Sounds
J'ai hésité à commander ces livrets compte-tenu du prix, mais finalement je ne regrette pas de m'etre fait ce cadeau ! Le contenu est riche, tres clairement expliqué, tres visuel, et en plus ces livrets sont beaux: papier glacé, belles photos, belles couleurs, luxueux ! Ideal pour un cadeau !